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Male Infertility

Understanding fertility in Men

Conceiving a baby depends on a number of factors, including healthy sperm. After a woman’s age, this can be the biggest issue. Male factor infertility affects around half of all infertile couples, so it is important to understand how the male reproductive system works.

Sperm Production

  • Sperm production starts in the testes where hormone testosterone is produced.
  • To successfully fertilize an egg, the sperm needs to have good motility (be able to move its tail) to propel itself through cervical mucus to then travel through the uterus and fallopian tube to reach the egg. It will also need to be normally shaped in order to penetrate the outer shell of the egg to deliver the genetic package contained in its head

What causes male infertility?

  • Abnormal sperm production: low sperm count in semen, abnormal shape of sperm, low motility of sperm
  • Lifestyle factors: smoking, excessive drinking, drugs, High BMI, Frequent exposure to extreme heat

Male Infertility Tests:

  • Semen Analysis: Sperm count, sperm motility, sperm morphology and sperm antibodies
  • Y Chromosome Abnormalities: Men with very low sperm counts or no sperm at all in their semen may have small parts of their Y-chromosome missing. Diagnosis of the causes of chromosome abnormalities may require a blood test, known as DAZ Deletion Test.

Managing Male Infertility?

  • IVF with ICSI
  • Surgical Sperm Extraction (TESA, PESA, MESA and TESE)– to Aspirate/extract sperm from Testis in case of Azoospermia
  • Vasectomy Reversal – For men who wish to conceive after they had vasectomy.
  • Fertility Preservation – If you are diagnosed with cancer where the recommended treatment may affect sperm quality or production, you may wish to consider sperm freezing –cryopreservation – in order to preserve your chance of having a family in the future
  • Hormonal replacement in Hypogondotrophic Hypogonadism

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