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Recurrent Miscarriage

If you have had two or more consecutive miscarriages it is essential that you seek medical advice to determine the cause of them and seek treatment to prevent further miscarriages from occurring. Fetal loss is the most common pregnancy complication occurring in 10-20% of recognized pregnancies. Recurrent miscarriages are especially difficult, because the initial excitement of a confirmed pregnancy is repeatedly followed by great disappointment when the miscarriage occurs.

The most common cause of miscarriage or early pregnancy loss is chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, which account for at least 50-60% of all first trimester losses. Chromosomal abnormalities are typically the result of errors that occur as the embryo divides and grows. The chance of these errors occurring generally increases with the age of the mother.

Genetic testing of the embryos produced in an IVF treatment can help to reduce the risk of miscarriage as only chromosomally normal embryos would be replaced into the uterus.

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